Monday, January 14, 2008

Wahlkalender 3/2008


  • 15.1.2008: USA Primary Michigan
  • 16.1.2008: Barbados Parliamentary Elections
  • 19.1.2008: USA Caucausus Nevada | Primary South Carolina (R)
  • 20.1.2008: Serbien Presidential Election

  • 8.1.2008: US Primaries in New Hampshire
    Nach ihrer Niederlage in Iowa siegte die demokratische Präsidentschaftskandidatin Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire entgegen allen Umfrageerwartungen knapp vor ihrem Konkurrenten Barack Obama. Damit hat sie sich zurück ins Rennen gehievt und gleichzeitig den Gewinndruck aus ihrer Kampagne ein Stück weit genommen. Sie ist nicht unbezwingbar, aber ebenso wie ihre Ehemann Bill ein Comeback-Kid.
  • 12.1.2008: Taiwan - Parliamentary Elections
    Saturday’s legislative elections in Taiwan saw the win of the opposition party Kuomintang (KMT) with 81 of the 113 seats in the Legislative Yuan over the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). Following the defeat of his party, which dropped from an 89 seat majority to only 27 in the new legislature, President CHEN Shui-bian resigned from the leadership of DPP. His successor, former Prime Minister Frank HSIEH, the DDP candidate for the March presidential contest will compete against KMT candidate MA Ying-jeou. President CHEN is term-limited from running after serving the maximum of two four-year terms. The voter turnout for the legislative election was 58.8% of eligible voters.

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